Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Michal Viewegh - czech author

A few months ago I read a book by very famous present author, Michal Viewegh, who is from Czech republic. His books are situated in actual present time and characters, which appear in his book, are realistic. He writes his stories with sense of humor and to read his book is really amusing. Even difficult and complicated life events he can describe as a fun experiences.
The original name of the book I read is “Povídky o manželství a o sexu”, it means “Stories about marriage and about sex”. All content of the book is full of his life situations and his experiences. Chapters of the book are divided into separate life periods of the author’s life. It starts with period of his teenage, when he met his future wife. Next chapters are about they marriage and all nice and awkward events. Of course, in consequence there is a divorce and his life, life of a famous and rich writer, who is surrounded with his mistresses. He writes about adventures and evens associated with all women in his life. He uses simple phrases and he can paint details very interestedly and humorously.

I know that his books are translated to several languages. I believe that this book is also in English version, but I am not sure if it is possible to find his books in Canada. Perhaps yes. I can recommend this book to all readers who like funny and interesting reading and real stories of real life.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

I'm going to check the library to see if there's an English translation. It sounds like my kind of book.